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Hello English

what is the meaning of glommy

February 27, 2017
Hi, there is no such word as 'glommy' in English. Did you mean to ask 'GLOOMY'? The word 'Gloomy' means dark or poorly lit - something that is depressing. E.g. "a gloomy little room is all that the poor man could afford."
2Upvotes0Downvotes February 27, 2017
黑色或暗; deeply shaded:
2Upvotes0Downvotes March 24, 2017
'Glommy' is an incorrect word in English. It is 'Gloomy'. 'Gloomy' means "Dim or dull".
0Upvotes0Downvotes March 29, 2017
what is the meaning of glommy
Hi, there is no such word as 'glommy' in English. Did you mean to ask 'GLOOMY'? The word 'Gloomy' means dark or poorly lit - something that is depressing. E.g. "a gloomy little room is all that the poor man could afford."

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