Menemukan kesalahan (Bagian 3)
try Again
Lesson 343
Menemukan kesalahan (Bagian 3)
Choose the correct answer.
We changed every bulb in the residents before the residence came in.
We changed every bulb in the residence before the residents came in.
Choose the correct answer.
Farah can't tell myself that I haven't worn different shoes because I saw that me.
Farah can't tell me that I haven't worn different shoes because I saw that myself.
Choose the correct answer.
Though the performers are not endemic to the area, their popularity is becoming epidemic.
Though the performers are not epidemic to the area, their popularity is becoming endemic.
Choose the correct answer.
Since I flew to several places last month, I have very little knowledge of where I could have contracted the flu.
因为我上个月流感好几个地方,我有very little knowledge of where I could have contracted the flew.
Choose the correct answer.
They were planning a trip to the zoo, where the white Bengal Tiger had been shifted to.
They where planning a trip to the zoo, were the white Bengal Tiger had been shifted to.
Choose the correct answer.
The last lesson in sky-diving, is teaching the skiers to chute down the shoot.
The last lesson in sky-diving, is teaching the skiers to shoot down the chute.
Choose the correct answer.
It is always a delight to side down the pasture, to see our pastor.
It is always a delight to side down the pastor, to see our pasture.
Choose the correct answer.
Because of lien profits, the bark put a lean on the company's assets.
Because of lean profits, the bark put a lien on the company's assets.
Choose the correct answer.
My sins constantly prey upon mind, as I pray for forgiveness.
My sins constantly pray upon mind, as I prey for forgiveness.
Choose the correct answer.
This year's beet production has managed to beat last year's growth.
This year's beat production has managed to beet last year's growth.
Choose the correct answer.
The pirates managed to cast the net in an arc around the ark.
The pirates managed to cast the net in an ark around the arc.
Choose the correct answer.
The first chapter in her dairy, was about her visit to the diary.
The first chapter in her diary, was about her visit to the dairy.
Choose the correct answer.
The architect's latter stages of construction require a ladder.
The architect's ladder stages of construction require a latter.
Choose the correct answer.
My leak soup has started to leek from the bottom of the pan.
My leek soup has started to leak from the bottom of the pan.
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