Comprehension, advanced vocabulary and pronunciation - 7
try Again
Lesson 432
Comprehension, advanced vocabulary and pronunciation - 7
Type what you hear:
How is “Inexorable' pronounced?
Option 1
Option 2
Rearrange the phrases you hear to form a sentence.
Listen to the question and give a simple answer.
Listen to the question and give a simple answer.
How is 'Maverick' pronounced?
Option 1
Option 2
Rearrange the phrases you hear to form a sentence.
Type what you hear:
Type what you hear:
How is 'Parsimony' pronounced?
Option 1
Option 2
Listen to the question and give a simple answer.
Rearrange the phrases you hear to form a sentence.
How is 'Prosaic' pronounced?
Option 1
Option 2
Rearrange the phrases you hear to form a sentence.
Type what you hear:
അടുത്ത വാക്ക്