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Hello English

what does language processing mean ?

March 11, 2017
Hi if you are talking about natural language processing then it essentially means - to convert human readable (natural) text into machine readable text. For e.g. If a person asks "what is the weather in Delhi", for a bot to understand this you need to understand the intent of speaker which is about weather and then location (Delhi). This can be achieved through language processing. There are many other applications as well where it is used.
0Upvotes2Downvotes March 11, 2017
what does language processing mean ?
Hi if you are talking about natural language processing then it essentially means - to convert human readable (natural) text into machine readable text. For e.g. If a person asks "what is the weather in Delhi", for a bot to understand this you need to understand the intent of speaker which is about weather and then location (Delhi). This can be achieved through language processing. There are many other applications as well where it is used.

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