Hello English
Hello English

I have given the test of phase 8 and phase 9 but now I'm unable to unlock the lessons of phase 7 and phase 8 lessons.. so can anyone tell how can i unlock the previous lessons

March 16, 2017
Hello Sanam, do you have enough coins to unlock lessons? Whichever is your current lesson, you can anytime go back to previous lessons and unlock them. The only condition is that you should have enough coins to unlock a lesson. Hope this helps :)
0Upvotes0Downvotes March 16, 2017
I have given the test of phase 8 and phase 9 but now I'm unable to unlock the lessons of phase 7 and phase 8 lessons.. so can anyone tell how can i unlock the previous lessons
Hello Sanam, do you have enough coins to unlock lessons? Whichever is your current lesson, you can anytime go back to previous lessons and unlock them. The only condition is that you should have enough coins to unlock a lesson. Hope this helps :)

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