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What can follow an adjective?

March 22, 2017
Many adjectives can be followed 'complements'_ words and expressions that 'complete' their meaning. :I'm interested in cookery. Some can be followed by PREPOSITION +NOUN/_ing. :I'm interested in learning to cook. Some can be by infinitives. :You don't look happy to see me. Some can be by clauses. :I'm glad you were able to come. We rarely put ADJECTIVE +Complement before a noun. He's a difficult person to understand.
0Upvotes0Downvotes March 22, 2017
What can follow an adjective?
Many adjectives can be followed 'complements'_ words and expressions that 'complete' their meaning. :I'm interested in cookery. Some can be followed by PREPOSITION +NOUN/_ing. :I'm interested in learning to cook. Some can be by infinitives. :You don't look happy to see me. Some can be by clauses. :I'm glad you were able to come. We rarely put ADJECTIVE +Complement before a noun. He's a difficult person to understand.

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