Hello English
Hello English

every body goes there...or everybody go there...which is correct??

March 26, 2017
Everybody is singular, therefore it takes singular verb forms, and "everybody goes crazy" is correct. "Everybody go crazy" would only be correct for a command, as the third-person singular imperative form of "go" is "go". Both sentences, ''Everybody goes crazy'' and ''Everybody go crazy'' are grammatically correct.
0Upvotes0Downvotes March 26, 2017
'Everybody goes there' is correct.
0Upvotes0Downvotes March 26, 2017
every body goes there...or everybody go there...which is correct??
Everybody is singular, therefore it takes singular verb forms, and "everybody goes crazy" is correct. "Everybody go crazy" would only be correct for a command, as the third-person singular imperative form of "go" is "go". Both sentences, ''Everybody goes crazy'' and ''Everybody go crazy'' are grammatically correct.

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