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Hello English

What is the difference between WITH & ALONG WITH? 1. I went there with my friend 2. I went there along with my friend. Which one is grammatically true in the above and why?

April 04, 2017
Junaid Chithari 97 44 77 55 32
'With' is a commonly used preposition in English. 'Along with' is a phrase that is formed by combining the two prepositions with and along. I went there with my friend is grammatically correct.
0Upvotes1Downvotes April 04, 2017
What is the difference between WITH & ALONG WITH? 1. I went there with my friend 2. I went there along with my friend. Which one is grammatically true in the above and why?
'With' is a commonly used preposition in English. 'Along with' is a phrase that is formed by combining the two prepositions with and along. I went there with my friend is grammatically correct.

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