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how to speak english without fear

April 08, 2017
follow this steps Madam, 1. Accept that Fear is Normal and You Need Courage to Face it “Courage is resistance of fear, mastery of fear – not absence of fear.” –Mark Twain We walk around with the illusion that fluent speakers don’t feel fear, that one day we’ll learn enough and we won’t be scared. The truth is that advanced speakers, and even native speakers feel fear when communicating. Fear is a fact of life, and those who have learned to conquer their fear are the ones who go far. As the Mark Twain quote says, courage is the resistance of fear, not the absence of fear. The only thing that will reduce your fear is to face it, and in doing so you build courage and confidence, and you will realize that the monsters you’ve created are not real. You may also realize that your biggest obstacle isn’t your English, but the fact that you are paralyzed by fear and have never learned how to face it. Fear is a fact of life, not just for English, but for everything. For example, job interviews, tests, meetings, presentations, talking to a pretty girl, or guy. You must learn to face it. “Life Begins at the end of your comfort zone.” –Neale Donald Walsch So what can you do to leave your comfort zone and find the courage to open your mouth and speak English? Really, what’s the worst that can happen? And what positive things could and will happen if you find the courage to open it again and again? 7 Things Not to Do When Speaking English 2. Accept That Your Mistakes and Difficulties are an Important Part of Learning “If you want to increase your success rate, double your failure rate.” –Thomas Watson, Sr. Another illusion that English learners tend to have is that fluent speakers don’t make mistakes. The truth is that we all make mistakes, even native speakers. Sure, English learners make more mistakes, and beginners make a lot more, but they’re a natural part of the process, and it’s the price you pay to develop fluency. You don’t succeed in anything in life if you aren’t prepared to make mistakes. It may help to know that very very few non-native speakers speak “perfect” English. You may look at them and think they’re speaking perfectly, but the vast majority of people who learn English as a second language make little mistakes along the way. Another important thing to understand is that native speakers don’t judge your fluency based on your mistakes. We judge your fluency based upon your ability to communicate and connect with us, which is the true function of the language. This does not mean that you should ignore your grammatical mistakes, but rather accept them as a part of the process, and take advantage of the opportunity to learn from them. “Mistakes are the portals of discovery.” –James Joyce Michael Jordan Says Repeated Failure Leads to Success 3. Master Cultural Fluency and Survival Phrases Our definition of Cultural Fluency is: the understanding and effective use of the hidden cultural currents of communication. It is an awareness of the ways culture operates in communication and conflict, and the ability to respond effectively to these differences. Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or advanced speaker, here at the RLE Fluency Center, we’ve systemized a group of simple and culturally correct phrases that are of enormous help to English learners. We call these Survival Phrases, and we use them to teach cultural fluency. One important idea is that sometimes the biggest difficulty learners have is not their lack of knowledge, but rather the fact that they don’t know how to communicate and investigate and what they don’t know in English speaking culture. Here’s a quick, but very incomplete overview of RLE’s cultural fluency and survival phrase system: 1. Say “sorry?” when you don’t understand something, 2. “Can you repeat please?” and “Can you speak slower?” 3. When you want to know a word or a phrase, ask “What does that mean?” 4. Finally, when you don’t know a word or a phrase, ask “How do you say insert word in
7Upvotes1Downvotes April 08, 2017
accept is normal
0Upvotes1Downvotes July 19, 2017
how to speak english without fear
follow this steps Madam, 1. Accept that Fear is Normal and You Need Courage to Face it “Courage is resistance of fear, mastery of fear – not absence of fear.” –Mark Twain We walk around with the illusion that fluent speakers don’t feel fear, that one day we’ll learn enough and we won’t be scared. The truth is that advanced speakers, and even native speakers feel fear when communicating. Fear is a fact of life, and those who have learned to conquer their fear are the ones who go far. As the Mark Twain quote says, courage is the resistance of fear, not the absence of fear. The only thing that will reduce your fear is to face it, and in doing so you build courage and confidence, and you will realize that the monsters you’ve created are not real. You may also realize that your biggest obstacle isn’t your English, but the fact that you are paralyzed by fear and have never learned how to face it. Fear is a fact of life, not just for English, but for everything. For example, job interviews, tests, meetings, presentations, talking to a pretty girl, or guy. You must learn to face it. “Life Begins at the end of your comfort zone.” –Neale Donald Walsch So what can you do to leave your comfort zone and find the courage to open your mouth and speak English? Really, what’s the worst that can happen? And what positive things could and will happen if you find the courage to open it again and again? 7 Things Not to Do When Speaking English 2. Accept That Your Mistakes and Difficulties are an Important Part of Learning “If you want to increase your success rate, double your failure rate.” –Thomas Watson, Sr. Another illusion that English learners tend to have is that fluent speakers don’t make mistakes. The truth is that we all make mistakes, even native speakers. Sure, English learners make more mistakes, and beginners make a lot more, but they’re a natural part of the process, and it’s the price you pay to develop fluency. You don’t succeed in anything in life if you aren’t prepared to make mistakes. It may help to know that very very few non-native speakers speak “perfect” English. You may look at them and think they’re speaking perfectly, but the vast majority of people who learn English as a second language make little mistakes along the way. Another important thing to understand is that native speakers don’t judge your fluency based on your mistakes. We judge your fluency based upon your ability to communicate and connect with us, which is the true function of the language. This does not mean that you should ignore your grammatical mistakes, but rather accept them as a part of the process, and take advantage of the opportunity to learn from them. “Mistakes are the portals of discovery.” –James Joyce Michael Jordan Says Repeated Failure Leads to Success 3. Master Cultural Fluency and Survival Phrases Our definition of Cultural Fluency is: the understanding and effective use of the hidden cultural currents of communication. It is an awareness of the ways culture operates in communication and conflict, and the ability to respond effectively to these differences. Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or advanced speaker, here at the RLE Fluency Center, we’ve systemized a group of simple and culturally correct phrases that are of enormous help to English learners. We call these Survival Phrases, and we use them to teach cultural fluency. One important idea is that sometimes the biggest difficulty learners have is not their lack of knowledge, but rather the fact that they don’t know how to communicate and investigate and what they don’t know in English speaking culture. Here’s a quick, but very incomplete overview of RLE’s cultural fluency and survival phrase system: 1. Say “sorry?” when you don’t understand something, 2. “Can you repeat please?” and “Can you speak slower?” 3. When you want to know a word or a phrase, ask “What does that mean?” 4. Finally, when you don’t know a word or a phrase, ask “How do you say insert word in

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