Hello English
Hello English
Posted On : Kannada lesson 21

how old are you? and how old is your brother? in this two questions in first question we used Are and second question we used is what is the difference why we used differently

September 24, 2017
At first you have to understand where should we use "is" and "are". ______________________________ Is is use when the subject is 3rd person singular number. Ex :- He is a student. Are is use when the subject is plural number and also 2nd person singular number. Ex :- They are best friends. You are my friend. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: In 1st sentence the subject is "you"."You" is 2nd person singular number, so we should use "are". In 2nd sentence the subject is "your brother". "Your brother" is 3rd person singular number , so we should use "is'. So that is the difference between of two sentences. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
6Upvotes1Downvotes September 24, 2017
It depends on the subject of that sentence what we will use as helping verb of it.If subject is singular then it takes singular verb as its helping verb and if subject is plural then it takes plural verb as its helping verb. In the first sentence, subject is "you" and "you" always takes a plural verb. In the second one, subject is "your brother" ,it's singular. So it took a singular verb. For ex:- How old is your brother? √ How old are your brothers? √
0Upvotes1Downvotes September 24, 2017
how old are you? and how old is your brother? in this two questions in first question we used Are and second question we used is what is the difference why we used differently
At first you have to understand where should we use "is" and "are". ______________________________ Is is use when the subject is 3rd person singular number. Ex :- He is a student. Are is use when the subject is plural number and also 2nd person singular number. Ex :- They are best friends. You are my friend. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: In 1st sentence the subject is "you"."You" is 2nd person singular number, so we should use "are". In 2nd sentence the subject is "your brother". "Your brother" is 3rd person singular number , so we should use "is'. So that is the difference between of two sentences. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

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