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Posted On : Hindi lesson 3

how I use the words live and lived ?

June 02, 2019
lucky singh
1/live is a "noun " ex : our live full of situations 2/ lived " verb in the past " ex : he lived happy with her parents.
4Upvotes1Downvotes June 02, 2019
Live - base form Lived - the 2nd and the 3rd form of verb "live" Ex:- They generally live in this apartment. Did he live happily with his parents? She will live here for a few days. Uses of lived:- Ex:- Ranu and Riya lived with me. Has Raj ever lived here? We had lived here before she came. You will have lived with your parents.
4Upvotes1Downvotes June 03, 2019
how I use the words live and lived ?
1/live is a "noun " ex : our live full of situations 2/ lived " verb in the past " ex : he lived happy with her parents.

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