Difference between wedding and marriage

‘Wedding’ means the actual ceremony while ‘marriage’ is the general relationship. ‘Marriage’ (or ‘married’) depicts the relationship status of a person. The wedding was held at the church. My sister is not married. Wedding refers to a ceremony that binds two people in the bond of marriage for a lifetime. Therefore, the correct way to […]

All right vs. Alright

All right and alright are not interchangeable because ‘alright’ as a word is not completely adopted by the English language. It is not all right to use the word ‘alright’, apparently. Some people say that ‘alright’ is a misspelled word for ‘all right’ but turns out it is not the case. All right as a […]

Accept versus Except

Accept versus Except There is a lot of confusion with these two words; they are words that have a similar sound but with very different meanings. Let us learn when to use accept versus except. Accept It is a verb and it has several meanings: To accept something as true – I accept your explanation. […]

Adverse versus Averse

Adverse versus Averse Let us look at the difference between Adverse versus Averse. Both of them are adjectives. ‘Adverse’ means a sense of hostility. ‘Averse’ is used to describe people and it means feelings that are opposed or declined. It is idiomatic and opposite of willingness or agreement. [The two words Adverse and Averse, are definitely not […]

Difference between: Adapt, Adept, and Adopt

Difference between: Adapt, Adept, and Adopt Similar sound and almost similar spellings, these words are really confusing aren’t they? Here’s the basic difference between: Adapt, Adept, and Adopt. ‘Adept’ is an adjective, but ‘adopt’ and ‘adapt’ are verbs. Let’s have a look at their meanings. Adapt To change for a new situation or purpose, it means to […]

Advice versus Advise

Advice versus Advise Advice versus Advise. You are not the first person if you are confused between the usage of these two words. They are different only because of one alphabet, though they are used in very similar contexts. Here is the exact difference between Advice versus Advice: Advise A verb which means to offer […]

Beside versus Besides

Beside versus Besides Let us learn the correct way of using each of these words. Let’s outline their definitions and usage. Beside This is a preposition which means ‘at the side of’ or ‘next to’. E.g. My best friend will always stand beside me. We all sat beside the fire and cooked. It can also […]

Compliment versus Complement

Compliment versus Complement It is very easy to get confused between Compliment and Complement. Compliment versus Complement. These words are pronounced the same way and have a difference of only an I and an E but that is what makes them different. Compliment Compliment means to praise someone and offer admiration towards someone. E.g. The […]

Dairy versus Diary

Dairy versus Diary This is not a very difficult one to crack. Let us see the difference between Dairy versus Diary. An ‘I’ here and there makes all the difference but these two words not only have very different meanings but are also poles apart when it comes to pronunciation. Dairy It is a place […]

Effect versus Affect

Effect versus Affect ‘Effect’ and ‘Affect’ are the most frequently looked up terms in the dictionary till date. The confusion in Effect versus Affect is not surprising; it is a very common confusion since both these words can be used as both a noun and a verb. Their meanings overlap too and that is why […]