Speak Like a Leader | Hello English Platinum

Hello English Platinum program is designed to improve communication and leadership skills amongst CXOs and senior management.

Empower your senior management to be powerful communicators– through sessions on effective storytelling, negotiation, managing conflict, developing teams, power poses, persuasion, influence etc.

Our panel has eminent International Public Speaking Coaches, TED Talk Coaches, Leadership Trainers who conduct short workshops as well as long-term coaching – both in-person as well as remote.

Various programs under Hello English Platinum:
Program A: Public Speaking & Effective Communication
Program B: High Impact Leadership
Program C: People Skills for Leaders

Supercharge your leadership training, write to premium@www.obankrotim.com.


  1. Great article; Appreciate the insight!

  2. This article really brings to light the issues that people face on a day to day basis

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